Молода сімʼя шукає спонсора
Maryna D
Maryna D

Молода сімʼя шукає спонсора

Looking forBy Maryna D  verified

About this listing

We are a young family from Ukraine​,​ two of us. My name is Marina​,​ my husband is Roman​,​ my husband is a software developer​,​ I am a make-up artist. We have been married for 2 years​,​ it was before the full-scale invasion that we got engaged and dreamed of planning our happy future. My hometown is Kherson​,​ a hero city that survived the occupation. There is a war in our country​,​ so we were forced to leave our home because of the war to find a safe and bright future for ourselves.


  • Accommodation

Other info

Available from: 5/18/2024

Language skills: Мій А-1, чоловіка B-2

Capacity: 2



Maryna D

Hello, I'm Maryna D.

Ми молода сімʼя з України, місто герой Херсон. Шукаємо спонсора для переїзду в США.