Ukrainian family seeks shelter under the program u4u
Olena Z
Olena Z

Ukrainian family seeks shelter under the program u4u

Looking forBy Olena Z  verified

About this listing

Hello. Let me introduce my family. We are a Ukrainian family Zybnitsky from the city of Energodar. I am Elena​,​ 30 years old​,​ trained as a Nail Service Master​,​ 7 years of work experience​,​ including 2 years of training in this field. I love my job very much​,​ I try in every possible way to develop in this direction. My level of English is Pre-intermediate​,​ I can have a conversation​,​ I'm interested in psychology (as a hobby)​,​ I'm also interested in healthy eating and I like to ride a bike with my family. Husband Alexander​,​ 37 years old by education electrical engineer​,​ worked at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant before the war​,​ 15 years of work experience​,​ has been studying to become an IT programmer since 2023​,​ is very enthusiastic about choosing a new profession​,​ he himself is also developing in this area​,​ level Basic English but improving it every day​,​ enjoys music and photography.. Daughter Sofia is 12 years old​,​ she is in the 6th grade​,​ continues her studies in Ukraine online​,​ also attends English language courses​,​ is interested in bead weaving​,​ loves to draw and​,​ like many children​,​ make Tik Tok. My son Trofim is 5 years old​,​ he went to kindergarten but at the moment he doesn’t go​,​ we develop him in every possible way at home​,​ we teach him​,​ we write​,​ we read​,​ I often play him cartoons in English​,​ he already even knows some phrases​,​ he also loves Lego ​,​ draws​,​ sculpts from plasticine​,​ he has a wonderful imagination. In our free time​,​ my family and I like to go on picnics and spend more time outdoors. We also don't smoke and only drink alcohol on special occasions. Let me tell you a little about our situation. Unfortunately​,​ our city of Energodar has been under occupation since 2022. My children and I left with our youngest son in April 2022 for Lithuania​,​ where I worked in my specialty​,​ my husband and eldest daughter spent another 6 months in the occupation and left Ukraine. in September 2022​,​ as he is the sole parent of his daughter. ​,​ he was able to leave the country​,​ it so happened that her mother has been deprived of her rights since 2017. After my husband’s arrival​,​ we lived in Lithuania for another year​,​ but we couldn’t get rid of the feeling that we were unsafe because Lithuania is very close to Russia. After some time​,​ the people of Lithuania began to worry about the situation in their country​,​ many news reports spoke about the possibility of an attack on the country​,​ we did not want to believe it​,​ but we could not risk going to war again. We have decided to move to Germany for some time and all this time we are looking for protection in the USA​,​ I want our children to be as far as possible from this horror. We have been in Germany for 6 months​,​ but we still do not lose hope to find someone who will invite our family to the u4u program​,​ we will also be grateful for any help​,​ because we really need it. Upon arrival​,​ we plan to resolve the issue of documents for work​,​ children to school and kindergarten as soon as possible​,​ and at this time to start looking for work and housing. We will be glad to receive any help​,​ since we really need it​,​ and of course we will be glad to meet your future sponsor. Thank you for your attention.


  • Accommodation

Other info

Available from: 6/6/2024

Language skills: pre-intermediate

Capacity: 4



Olena Z

Hello, I'm Olena Z.