Hello, I'm Vitalii B.verified

Greetings. My name is Vitaly, I am 40 years old. I have been a dialysis patient since 2011. I lived in Chernigov and did not intend to leave it even after the start of the war. I was forced to leave after our center was first destroyed by a nearby shell explosion, and then electricity and water were completely cut off in the city. I had nowhere to go, plans and prospects were not. Already on the road, my friend from Germany called and offered to come. Now I live in the suburbs of Munich. A German family took me in for a short time. My friend helped me get registered, get social assistance and health insurance, arranged with a dialysis center in Munich for procedures. Now I need to find more or less permanent housing (for a relatively long period). I'm alone. In everyday life, I am unpretentious and neat. And any options are suitable for me - separate housing, joint rent, a hostel or a settlement with a family. The possibility of registration is desirable, because without it I cannot apply for a temporary residence permit. It doesn't have to be Munich. With gratitude I will consider options for surrounding or even neighboring cities. The only wish is reasonable transport accessibility to my dialysis center or another dialysis center nearby. I will be glad to meet and communicate with new people. +380675700543 (messengers). +4915226114592 - German number. Sincerely, Vitaly