Hello, I'm Alex S.verified

52 y.o. father of a family with 4 kids (14, 8, 3 y.o. and a 5 m.o. baby girl). Me, my 40 y.o. wife and kids can stay in premises of a 3-4 beds, ideally 2-3 rooms. A separate house could be a piece of fantastic luck for us these days! No pets, no bad habits, cleanliness, and order are guaranteed. There are relatives living in Brugge, but, regretfully, they can't host all of us. More details about us can be provided at your first request. We plan to arrive in Belgium by 19-20 of April 2022 and stay there as long as necessary. A few months, I guess are realistic prospects for our situation... In any case, we're grateful for your kind concern and willingness to help our compatriots!