Hello, I'm Bruce M.verified

I'm a civil servant and former professional musician with a law degree. I live with my 4 year old daughter in Scotland and share custody with her mum who is Polish and lives less than half a mile away. I have a quiet home and enjoy living on my own with my daughter but when we watched the news and I explained to her about the war in Ukraine and that people had to run away she said someone could come and live with us. I thought about it and spoke to her about it and explained she would have to give up her room she was delighted because she prefers my room and I guess I can live with it. I'm very proud of her and she's right. I'm not a rich man and what I have to pass on to my daughter are values. Before she was born I regularly rented out her room to both male and female students so I guess it's possible. My daughter's mum is Polish and lives five minutes walk away and am sure she would help out in other ways too. She speaks Polish, German and Russian.