brauchen Unterkunft Heidelberg, Mannheim,Leiman
Roman Z
Roman Z

brauchen Unterkunft Heidelberg​,​ Mannheim​,​Leiman

Looking forBy Roman Z  verified

About this listing

We are a family from Ukraine​,​ from the city of Chernihiv (which is getting smaller every day​,​ it is being bombed incessantly) I am 44 years old​,​ my wife is 40 years old​,​ my son is 11 years old. We need housing in the area of Mannheim​,​ Heidelberg. we have a very neat cat. We ourselves are clean​,​ do not smoke​,​ we promise complete order after ourselves.


  • Accommodation

Other info

Available from: 3/21/2022

Capacity: 3



Roman Z

Hello, I'm Roman Z.

Family ri man son 11 years old, from Chernihiv, Ukraine. We are located in Heidelberg, looking for accommodation for any period. The child already goes to school, learns…