Looking for accommodation
Vadym H
Vadym H

Looking for accommodation

Looking forBy Vadym H  verified

About this listing

My name is Vadym​,​ I am 54 years old. I am from Ukraine. I am looking for a hosting family​,​ who can help me with accommodation room.My daughter lives and study at school in the city Stein (Maastricht area) and I stayed already one year in Appingedam​,​ I would like to move down of the Netherlands​,​ to live close to her. I will be happy to help you around the house​,​ I love animals and can look after them. I am quiet and clean guy. I have already all necessary documents BSN and sticker. I will pay utilities and will pay rent​,​ as soon as I find a job. I can also provide references from my two hosting families.


  • Accommodation

Other info

Available from: 6/1/2024

Language skills: Ukrainian, Russian, English beginner.

Capacity: 1



Vadym H

Hello, I'm Vadym H.

My name is Vadym and I am 54 years old. I am from Ukraine. My teenager daughter lives and study at school in the city Stein (Maastricht area). For now on I am living…