Looking for housing
Tatiana  K
Tatiana  K

Looking for housing

Looking forBy Tatiana K  

About this listing

My name is Tatiana​,​ I am 45 years old​,​ I have a daughter​,​ Victoria​,​ 20 years old​,​ and a cat Levi​,​ a lop-eared Scot​,​ and my friend is also Tatiana​,​ 43 years old. We lived in Gostomel​,​ Kiev region​,​ we had our own 3-room apartment​,​ we were happy until the war came to our country. Russian invaders captured our city and bombed our house. There is nowhere to go back​,​ our city was completely bombed​,​ we had to leave our house. So now we are looking for long term accommodation (6 months) and we need a job. We do not speak English well​,​ we will need help in learning the language. Thanks to those who are not indifferent and ready to help! Email: kosko.13.06.76@gmail.com


  • Accommodation

Other info

Available from: 3/20/2022

Capacity: 3



Tatiana  K

Hello, I'm Tatiana K.

My name is Tatiana, I am 45 years old and have a daughter, Victoria, 20 years old, and Levi the cat, a lop-eared Scot. We lived in Gostomel, Kyiv region, we had our own…