Looking for sponsor to move.
Dmytro P
Dmytro P

Looking for sponsor to move.

Looking forBy Dmytro P  verified

About this listing

Hello​,​ Before the war​,​ our family lived in Mariupol. My dad(really hardworking person) worked at the Mariupol Commercial Sea Port for 23 years​,​ operating portal crane. I studied at school and graduated from the ITSTEP computer academy. I'm into game development and have made some small games. My hobby also is volleyball. When Russia attacked Ukraine on February 24​,​ 2022​,​ we couldn't leave Mariupol because it was surrounded. Those days were tough. We lost our house and had to move to an abandoned one just to survive. Every morning​,​ my dad braved bombings and bullets to cook food on a fire. We melted snow for water. After the bombings stopped on May 19​,​ 2022​,​ my older sister found people that going to Poland. We couldn't leave through Ukraine because of Russian blockades​,​ so we had to go through Russia. My dad couldn't leave with us right away. He managed to join us in Poland in August 2022. We stayed in Poland until December​,​ but things were not so easy​,​ Dad could not find a job in Poland in his speciality. After a while​,​ Dad found a job in Latvia and we went there​,​ hoping to start life with a clean slate. However​,​ life in Latvia turned out to be hard. Salaries are unstable​,​ many people support Russia and do not treat Ukrainians very well. We've made a big mistake​,​ and now we want to rebuild our life. Thank you​,​ so much for reading this text Best regards​,​ ukrainian family


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Dmytro P

Hello, I'm Dmytro P.

I'm Dmytro(15), currently living with my father. I have a basic understanding of English, around A2.3 level, with some knowledge of B2 words. Additionally, I'm working…