Seeking a sponsor/friend for the U4U program
Andrii S
Andrii S

Seeking a sponsor​/​friend for the U4U program

Looking forBy Andrii S  

About this listing

Hi My name is Andrey​​,​ and I am 33 years old. I come from a vibrant city​​,​ Dnipro​​,​ which is unfortunately close to the frontline of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The war​​,​ initiated by Russia​​,​ has made living conditions increasingly dangerous​​,​ and the situation in my city is becoming more perilous each day as the frontlines move closer. I am not a soldier​​,​ which is why I am not directly involved in the fighting. However​​,​ I support our army through donations. Unfortunately​​,​ in Ukraine​​,​ men are often conscripted without proper training​​,​ which drastically reduces their chances of survival on the battlefield. That is why I am not ready to fight just to die on the first day. Instead​​,​ I want to start a new life in a safe place​​,​ in a beautiful country like the United States. I have an associate degree in IT sciences. I enjoy football​​,​ basketball​​,​ hiking​​,​ and biking. Professionally​​,​ I have worked in IT. I started as a system administrator and later became a junior DevOps engineer. My work involved using AWS (basic services)​​,​ some GCP​​,​ and some Azure​​,​ but mainly I worked with our own Linux servers. My responsibilities included monitoring with Zabbix (deploying new Zabbix servers​​,​ configuring Zabbix agents using Ansible playbooks that I wrote)​​,​ closing newly discovered vulnerabilities on servers​​,​ and delivering the company's product to new and existing clients. You can find more details about my experience on LinkedIn - I have a basic level of English (I can understand most things at a basic level​​,​ but speaking is still challenging). Therefore​​,​ I plan to improve my language skills in the near future to communicate more easily with people. I am hoping to find someone who can help me and become my sponsor through the U4U program. I would appreciate the following support from my sponsor: - Assistance with paperwork and obtaining medical insurance. - Temporary housing so that I can adapt​​,​ find a job​​,​ and search for an apartment to rent. It would also be great to get help with the search and rental process. - Guidance on American culture and traditions. - Help in becoming part of the local community. - Assistance in obtaining a driver's license (Unfortunately​​,​ I do not drive yet​​,​ but I understand that in the U.S. it is essential​​,​ so I need to learn and get my license). Thank you in advance for helping me find a home in the U.S. and becoming my new friend! If you have any questions​​,​ please feel free to ask​​,​ and I will be happy to answer them. We can also arrange a video call (I will try to speak with my limited English skills). P.S.: if you have any questions​​,​ please ask. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn


  • Accommodation

Other info

Available from: 8/26/2024

Language skills:

Capacity: 1



Andrii S

Hello, I'm Andrii S.