Uniting for Ukraine program.

Uniting for Ukraine program.

Looking forBy Alla Y  verified

About this listing

Dear sponsor​,​ We are a family from Ukraine consisting of three people - a husband and wife​,​ both 29 years old​,​ and a 10-year-old daughter. We are reaching out to request your assistance through the U4U (Uniting for Ukraine) program. As a family​,​ we aspire to relocate to the United States in search of safety​,​ professional development​,​ and the opportunity to contribute to society. Currently​,​ we are residing in Ukraine. I am Alla​,​ 29 years old. I have over 9 years of experience in the commercial and logistics fields (distribution​,​ trading​,​ direct sales)​,​ including management roles in major FMCG companies such as COCA-COLA BEVERAGES UKRAINE LIMITED​,​ FOZZY GROUP​,​ and others. I hold a bachelor's degree in "Accounting and Auditing" from THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF TRADE AND ECONOMICS ​/​ KYIV NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF TRADE AND ECONOMICS. I have been engaged in sports for over two years (strength training)​,​ fond of psychology​,​ meditation and standing on nails. As for the last one​,​ I have completed a course as a nail-standing therapy guide. Additionally​,​ I have over two years of nail technician work experience​,​ having completed professional courses. To improve my language skills​,​ I am also attending English courses. My daughter​,​ Varvara​,​ is 9 years old. and she has a strong mathematical mind. She is fond of math and drawing​,​ and dreams of becoming a designer. She is also fascinated by learning foreign languages​,​ attended English courses​,​ and is eager to continue doing so. Varvara is a friendly​,​ open-minded and sincere girl. My husband​,​ Vladyslav​,​ 29 years old​,​ is a student at the Irpen Economic College​,​ Separate division National University of Life and Environmental Sciences​,​ Ukraine​,​ specializing in "Accounting and Taxation." He is a professional bodybuilding and fitness trainer with over 9 years of experience​,​ having trained more than 30 athletes for competitions​,​ where they won prizes and became absolute champions at the European Cup and silver medalists at the World Cup. In addition to coaching​,​ he is constantly improving his knowledge by attending trainings and is interested in sports medicine. He is committed to helping people change their lives for the better through physical activity and a healthy lifestyle and is ready to bring his experience and knowledge to the US fitness community. During more than 2 years of war in Ukraine​,​ we tried not to change our place of residence. Despite the factors surrounding us​,​ we love Ukraine and in difficult times we stayed there to support its economy; we worked​,​ developed​,​ and were fully engaged in our homeland life. However​,​ due to challenging circumstances such as constant shelling and power outages​,​ we are forced to seek new opportunities abroad. The U4U program seems perfect for us as it offers the support needed for integration and development in a new environment. We firmly believe that this program will provide the security and stability our family and our child desperately search for. Our plan upon relocating to the USA is to continue our careers​,​ immerse ourselves in the local society​,​ actively learn the language and culture​,​ and participate in volunteer projects. Ultimately​,​ we envision ourselves as professionals helping other newcomers adapt to and find their place in the new society. We would be extremely grateful for your support in the realization of our dream. Please feel free to contact me at +38 (063) 811 51 36 or via email at Alla.Yevtushenko25@gmail.com if you have any questions or require additional information. Thank you for considering our application. Best regards​,​ Alla Yevtushenko. +38 063 811 51 36 Email: Alla.Yevtushenko25@gmail.com


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Available from: 6/18/2024

Language skills: English A2, російська- вільно, українська - вільно.

Capacity: 3




Hello, I'm Alla Y.